Defination and nature of communication:

The basic way to interact with others is communication. It is seen that 70% of our time is spent by communicating with other persons. This is the reality of the interaction. We talk or communicate due to sharing our needs and ideas. When we talk about organization, so every organization interacts by communicating its services and products.

But there are more troubles in this area. Many people feel trouble in the area of explaining their services. But some people do not care about professional impact, they just want to get ahead in current days to the corporate world.


Communication definition:

We manage our responsibilities as judgment, provide company, services, products, and our professionalism by talking, writing, acting, and dressing only by the communication. So we understand that it is important as our needs.

But the major concern is, how we communicate with other persons. Every successful person understands that what are the consequences of good communication. They know how to interact with others without hurting them. People interact daily with customers, managers, employees, and outside the community. For this people should have good communication style.

When we try to ask someone how well people communicate, their answers fall into three categories.

The first most prevalent is the person who answers “I communicate well”.

A person will surprisingly react and ask me, what do you mean by ‘how well?

I simply do it, I do not think regarding communication. In the third type, the question will reflect on before saying something as to how well people get ideas across to other persons?.

All I can explain to you is that I work all day and communicate than I can easily count, and sometimes I do not work. So every answer in this manner is correct.


Our communication should be flexible, it fits in all circumstances.

The fragrance of men’s perfume, the sweet taste of biscuits, the care of the blind person, the romantic background music of the movie, all these deserves an action or reaction. These are all examples of good communication. Despite of effective communication, risks are involved in communication. We try to follow some precautions and make plans. That way we can reduce the risks. Actually, these all risks are in our hands, if we use bitter words while interacting with others then we take risks. Always try to use good words.

The two ways of communication occur, as the interchange of ideas, protocol, desires, and fine skills.


Nature of communication:

The two true factors are present when people interact with each other.

First, there may be some type of content to be covered-ideas, advice, gossip, instructions and evaluation, etc. We are familiar with all these things because every day we deal with all the content of the communication.

The second factor is atmosphere or feelings that impart what you say. This is called communication climate.

The physical climate affects us in a variety of ways. For example, on rainy days, we try to wear rain protective clothes. In the winter season, we wear warm clothes. Similarly, in the summer season, we like to wear light or thin clothes. In this way, the communication climate affects us either in positive or negative ways. When communication climate affects us in a positive way, then we are able to solve our thoughts, problems, and ideas. In other words, this creates a pleasant scene for us to find our solutions in this environment. When we all are in homes, restaurants, and offices we feel comfortable and this shows a positive climate. On the other hand, when we all have been in shops, near factories we feel uncomfortable because the climate is negative, and we don’t try to spend time.


Choose your channel:

A human channel is a medium where the data or information can send from sender to receiver. As radio and human transmitters. Telephones, lectures, meetings, face to face communication all are the ways of interaction. The choice of the channel may affect your communication and in turn, the receiver will respond to you according to your communicating channel. Therefore choose the best channel, this will accomplish you all your purposes.


Written communication:

It should be used when complex material is shown orally as in the form of figures or information, e.g engineering and financial data. When we need to elaborate a large amount of data in front of a crowd then written communication is the best option. You can also record the entire communication. The telephone may be an appropriate option when we need to communicate simple facts in front of a few people. The telephone has other impacts, only our sense of hearing works. Just for to check the messages are understood on the telephone then you need to ask the feedback and just make sure that the communication link is completed.


Face to face communication:

Face-to-face communication has many advantages. It has more urgency and allows two sides interaction without any difficulty. We can get quick responses by face-to-face interaction. By providing counseling, praises, and disciplinary action, it is usually best to utilize face-to-face communication.

Among groups, when there is a need for verbal interaction so the meeting is an appropriate option.

Studies have proved that supervisors spend more than half of their time in discussions, meetings, and conferences. This will conclude desired results.


Eliminate static:

Another collaborative skill is the elimination of barriers or static. If there is static or noise, there may be the problem of barrier in the form of noise and we do not know the other person is listening to us or not. One barrier to communication is our sense of tendency to judge, evaluate and approve the statement of other people. 


Tune in:

The “tune in” to the other person, is to find how the other person stores information after processing what he receives. According to Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), there are three sensory types. 




Some persons are visually oriented because they remember things when they see something. Some are auditory, they store sound. Similarly, other people are kinesthetic oriented, the reason for this they store touch sensations. 

The visually oriented persons say, like do you see, what I mean? etc. They totally have a clear sense of vision. They remember all the visually see things. 

The auditory-oriented person says, as do you listen, what I mean? etc. They never forget the hearing communication and store it in their brain. 

Similarly, kinesthetic persons learn the things that they feel. Those people say, here is what it feels like to me?. Such type of sensation they remember. 



Know your Nonverbal:

Eye contact, the position of the body (posture), clothing, and mobilization of the body all are essential elements. Some studies prove that 93% of messages are in nonverbal form. Here are some examples as children always see the warning sign of their parents. Workers learn to cue on boss moods etc. Some studies have shown us that sometimes our tongue says one thing, our body says another thing and our symbols as clothing and hairstyle are the third thing. When all these things happens then people say, what they see, not what they listen to. 

Over two centuries ago, 

Ben Franklin said, “Power is with the person who can communicate well”.

It is true. 



What is the nature of communication theory?

A process of establishing an interaction via thoughts, ideas, movements, and feelings, etc among people. 



Nature of communication essay:

It is simply an exchange of information between two people. The interaction is reciprocal. Both recipient and donor interact via messages. 


Five definitions of communication:

This interaction involves exchanging an ideas, information, signals via media, seeking information, and showing emotions. This entire definition includes body language, emotions, speaking, and writing. 



Why communication is important in life?

It is important because we can convey information to each other just for to fulfill our needs. 



What is the importance of communication in our daily life?

Just for to share ideas and feelings and to understand the emotions of people. As a result of this, a relationship will create. It may be either positive or negative.


Advantages of communication skills:

  • Enhance engagement.
  • Develop trust.
  • Improves productivity.
  • Clarity and support.
  • Building of team.


Elements of communication:

This involves eight mandatory elements as message, channel, receiver, environment, feedback, interference, and context.


9 principles of effective communication:

1- Congruency.

2- Consistency.

3- Clarity.

4- Content.

5- Consider your audience.

6- Check your understanding.

7- Concise.

8- Choose the right medium for the message.


Effective communication methods:

1- Understand the needs.

2- Learn to listen.

3- Settle passive communication.

4- Consider non-verbal images.

5- Familiar with an audience.


Modes of communication:

1- Verbal communication.

2- Non-verbal communication.

3- Written communication.

4- Visual.

5- Listening.



In this article, I elaborate on all the ways of interaction with other persons. I also explained the different types of communication and the effects of barriers on communication. You can adopt different ways of communication and make relationships with others. Hopefully, if you like our page, must share it with other members. Thank you very much for visiting our site.

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